Yu-Gi-Oh Revolution Fanon Wiki
Dark Magician
"A magician never reveals her secrets."

This article, Red-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, is property of the Dark Magician. Do not modify or use any of its content without her express permission.

Red-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

Red-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
Name Red-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
Card type Monster
Type Dragon / Fusion / Effect
Attribute DARK DARK
Level 11 Level StarLevel StarLevel StarLevel StarLevel StarLevel StarLevel StarLevel StarLevel StarLevel StarLevel Star
ATK / DEF 4000 / 2800
Materials "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" + "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" + "Red-Eyes Black Dragon"
Description Once per turn: the first time this monster would be destroyed by battle or card effects, it is not destroyed.
Holder Malachi Hawthorne
Ken Kirimoto